Holy Cross Orthodox Church
Williamsport, Pennsylvania


Joyous Feast of the

Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos!


This Week at Holy Cross


All are welcome to be with us!


++ Church open for private prayer (or talk with Fr. Seraphim) ++

Thursday September 12th - 7-9:30am


++ Exaltation of the Precious & Lifegiving Cross ++

Great Vespers w/Litya - Friday September 13th at 5:30

Hours, Divine Liturgy & Procession - Saturday September 14th at 9:00


++ Afterfeast of the Precious & Lifegiving Cross ++

Great Vespers - Saturday September 14th at 5:00

Hours & Divine Liturgy - Sunday September 15th at 9:40

Fellowship following in the Parish Hall


++ Church open for private prayer (or talk with Fr. Seraphim) ++

Tuesday September 17th - 7-9:30am


++ Compline/Bible Study (Ephesians) ++

Wednesday September 18th at 5:30


Sunday Bulletin - September 8th, 2024

September 2024 Parish Calendar
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Today's Scripture Readings
All Scripture Readings
Today's Saints
Forefeast of the Elevation of the Cross
Forefeast of the Elevation of the Cross

The Forefeast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross is celebrated for only one day (September 13) and there are seven days of Afterfeast (September 15-21). The Leavetaking of the Feast falls on September 21. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross is preceded by the…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
Commemoration of the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) at Jerusalem
Commemoration of the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) at Jerusalem

The Dedication of the Temple of the Resurrection of Christ at Jerusalem celebrates the dedication of the Church of the Resurrection, built by Saint Constantine the Great and his mother, the empress Helen. After the voluntary Passion and Death on the Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion
Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion

Soon after the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross and His Ascension into Heaven, a centurion by the name of Cornelius settled at Caesarea in Palestine. He had lived previously in Thracian Italy. Although he was a pagan, he distinguished himself by deep piety and good deeds, as the…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
Martyr Chronides of Alexandria and those with him
Martyr Chronides of Alexandria and those with him

The Holy Martyr Chronides suffered for the Christian Faith in the third century with Saints Stratonicus, Serapion, Leontius and Seleucus. Saints Chronides, Leontius, and Serapion were from Egypt. After fierce torments for their confession of faith in Christ, the holy martyrs were savagely killed.…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Martyrs Macrobius and Gordian at Tomi in Romania and those with them

Saint Macrobius was from Paphlagonia, and suffered martyrdom with Saints Gordian, Elias, Zoticus, Lucian and Valerian. Gordian, a native of Cappadocia, served with Macrobian in the imperial court, and they enjoyed the particular favor of the emperor. When he found out that they were Christians, he…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Hieromartyr Julian of Galatia

Saint Julian was born at Ancyra, Galatia (in Asia Minor). He was a priest who boldly confessed Christ during the reign of Emperor Licinius (311-324). For this “crime,” he was arrested by the authorities. Since he refused to offer sacrifice to the idols, he was tortured and put to death,…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Peter of Atroe

Saint Peter from Atroe was dedicated to God from childhood, and spent his whole life in exploits of fasting and unceasing prayer. He pursued asceticism in the city of Atroe, near Asian Olympos. A distinctive feature of the holy ascetic was his extreme temperance. During his lifetime, the saint…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Greatmartyr Ketevan, Queen of Georgia
Greatmartyr Ketevan, Queen of Georgia

The holy Queen Ketevan was the daughter of Ashotan Mukhran-Batoni, a prominent ruler from the Bagrationi royal family. The clever and pious Ketevan was married to Prince David, heir to the throne of Kakheti. David’s father, King Alexander II (1574-1605), had two other sons, George and…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Venerable Hierotheus the Younger of Ivḗron, Mount Athos

According to Saint Νikόdēmos of the Holy Mountain, Saint Hierotheos was born in the year 1686 at Kalamata in the Peloponnḗsos, to wealthy and devout parents Dḗmo and Asēmina. Desiring to understand Divine wisdom as it is in the sciences and also as it is in monastic life, the pious young…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint John of Prislop
Saint John of Prislop

Saint John was a monk of the Prislop Monastery in southwestern Romania at the turn of the sixteenth century. After several years in that place, he went into the mountains to lead a solitary ascetical life, struggling against the assaults of the demons. One day, while Saint John was making a window…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
Weekly Parish Bulletins
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1725 Holy Cross Lane, Williamsport PA 17701


Saturday Vespers, 5:00pm / Sunday Hours & Liturgy, 9:40am

Online Giving - Tithes, Offerings & Donations / May God bless you for your generosity, thank you!

Holy Cross Orthodox Church
1725 Holy Cross Lane; Williamsport, PA 17701
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The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

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Holy Cross Orthodox Church is part of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, which is presided over by The Most Reverend Mark (Maymon), Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. Our mission is bringing the joy of Christ's resurrection to those who have never heard the Good News, and to strengthen and encourage the faithful who reside within Williamsport and the local area. 

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The Holy Scripture is a collection of books written over multiple centuries by those inspired by God to do so. It is the primary witness to the Orthodox Christian faith, within Holy Tradition and often described as its highest point. It was written by the prophets and apostles in human language, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and collected, edited, and canonized by the Church.

Daily Readings >

Holiness or sainthood is a gift (charisma) given by God to man, through the Holy Spirit. Man's effort to become a participant in the life of divine holiness is indispensable, but sanctification itself is the work of the Holy Trinity, especially through the sanctifying power of Jesus Christ, who was incarnate, suffered crucifixion, and rose from the dead, in order to lead us to the life of holiness, through the communion with the Holy Spirit.

Today's Saints >

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