ALL are welcome to be with us!
** Church open for private prayer/Confession **
Tuesday March 11th * 7-10am
++ Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts ++
w/ 9th Hour
Wednesday March 12th at 5:20pm
Lenten Fellowship following in the Parish Hall
** Church open for private prayer/Confession **
Thursday March 13th * 7-10am
++ Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts ++
w/ 9th Hour
Friday March 14th at 5:20pm
Lenten Fellowship following in the Parish Hall
** Free Community Luncheon **
Saturday March 15th * 10 until Noon
Dine in the Parish Fellowship Hall
++ Sunday of St Gregory Palamas ++
2nd Sunday of Great Lent
Great Vespers - Saturday March 15th at 5pm
Hours, Divine Liturgy - Sunday March 16th at 9:40am
Lenten Fellowship following in the Parish Hall